Tuesday 24 September 2024

Wherever this current chooses to flow


I ride the highs

and dive with the lows,

wherever this current

chooses to flow.

I let the water take my hand,

leading me to

its promised land.


I fly further upstream,

as thermals lift me.

Up in the clouds,

watching sunbeams

dance down to the ground.

I don't control the wind,

I'm just a passenger

hitching a ride on the breeze.

My wings just catch

the breath which gently weaves

across the green glow

of the patchwork countryside

laced down below.

It takes me where I need to be.

Not necessarily where I want to go,

but it always has its own plans for me,

so, I just go along with the flow.


I shiver through the cold

and sizzle in the heat,

walking on scorching sands

or freezing concrete.

I go wherever

the guiding hands point.

My internal compass

feels the eternal pull

and it guides my feet

to make my life feel full.


I weather storms,

soaking my worn-out shoes,

splashing in the flooded residue.

Oblivious to the water seeping through.

I flail in gale force winds,

in hail I take the hits.

pelted by jagged ice bits.

Sandblasted in sandstorm nights,

under a moon

which wants to cry,

but has witnessed

too much misery in her life,

now her eyes have run dry.


I keep on going,

no choice,

the winds keep blowing.

They set course over the rivers

from source to the sea,

and I'll follow wherever

those waterways are flowing

to be who I need to be.



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"Tales from the 44A" and "Stations
and here
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it would really help me
continue to do this.

Peace, Love & Poetry

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