Monday 16 September 2024

On the edge of a melody


As I sit in this

delusional mimicry

of happiness,

a mask of lies.  I hide

that inside I'm feeling


See, my shell of illusion is failing

and I'm showing the truth, in the

uncoordinated sadness

that encircles me.


A part of me

is tied to a dream.

Par for the course it seems,

and that dream

can never be reality,

it's a fallacy,

built of hope and star dust,

and a big old lungful of love

that I breathe.

But it's not enough

to just believe.


So I hold out a hand.

Come and meet with me

where the dream

parts ways with reality.

Let us just sit in that world

for a day, I'll sleep away the hurt,

if you'll dream with me today.

Let this world of mine encircle you

and give to you

all the love I have stored inside.

So that you can spread it wide,

wherever your wings can fly.


See I'm floating


where I always

find myself.

Somewhere out to sea.

The waves speaking to me,

greeting me. My feelings

precariously perched

on the edge

of a strummed gentle

melody. Telling me

that love

will hear my song




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Peace, Love & Poetry

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