Wednesday 11 September 2024




just dreaming…

A world no longer seeped in misery,

teeming with tears; wept for children

taken long before their years.

A world where colour doesn't bring pain,

Race is embodied in the everyday,

culture embraced, not banished away.

Religion no longer used as excuse for war,

Just as a tool to help us explore.

A world where the poor

Need not beg for more,

and shelter from the rain is available to everyone,

regardless of circumstance or income.

Where food banks are redundant

A banquet for every table,

And love is abundant

Not some fairy tale or fable.



I was just dreaming…

A world I want to believe in.

Where the seas are not seen as borderlines

if someone wants to live in any land, It's fine.

Where the lines on maps are scrapped,

Replaced with open signs.

Divide and rule,

has always been the way,

Keep us at each other’s throats,

so, we ignore what they do or say.

I say welcome everybody,

Show that there is always another way.



I was dreaming…

Of the world we could be living,

the stories we could be reading.

When we all find hope

instead of tying a rope

around others’ throats,

and claiming they are enemy.

Dreaming of a world

where the monsters are no longer

sleeping soundly in control of everything,

Whilst we sit fearful under our beds, 

too scared to raise our tearful heads.


I was dreaming…

Just dreaming…

Of a world where bad tides wash away

the injustices we see day to day.

Where money doesn't control

what we do or say.

Where those with more

don't get to exploit the poor,

to pour a little more struggle at their doors.

I was just dreaming...

Just dreaming...


But now I've awoken

into another nightmare,

it looks just like any other day.



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You can find my New books
"Tales from the 44A" and "Stations
and here
Please buy a copy if you can
it would really help me
continue to do this.

Peace, Love & Poetry

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