Saturday 11 May 2024

Aurora skies


When I was a child 

I fought sleep, avoided counting sheep.

saw the void.

and away from it I would leap

Wanting to stay

forever awake,

to not avert my eyes from this vast lake

of life. Now, I embrace

any chance of a nap I can take,

to let those moonbeams

Trickle their tickling magic stardust glow.

I follow the dream light

wherever it tells me to go.


Sleep is a magical space,

where wonders never cease.

At the dark end

of a twisted street,

where this beast rests his feet,

he sees the beauty, waving to greet.

His belle of the night, she waits beneath

the stars of the mind,

twinkling streetlights

that line the streetside.

In this place undesignated

on any maps.

Not assigned a flag,

no signpost tags the place,

but he knows it as paradise.


Where comets


and worlds




in colourful

cloudburst reverie.



at the




a light show

for only

your eyes.


I can 

take you there 


Just close your eyes, 

take my hand 

and count the time.

We will kiss

away the fear,

feel the colours blend,

feel ourselves transcend,

and glide across the expanse.

As I take you over the threshold,

into this world

this little space I rearrange


in my heart for you.




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to check out my new book "Poetic Outlaw"

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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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