Thursday 30 May 2024

Copy machine




The lost




as different,

though they walk

the same


as you.

Feeling just as lost

and confused

as you sometimes do.






The world can seem a little askew,

off kilter, like it's being viewed

through some trippy Tik Tok filter.

The way people stroll in reverse,

whilst other life floods ever onwards,

but they seem to move

differently to us.

They walk with purpose,

every backward stride,

a point on their journey

they greet with pride.


They drift through crowds,

but no one notices.

they appear out of focus

their faces blurred,

like clouds

of human shaped detritus.

They glide

through the ever

marching tides of human life.

Always trying

to reach the other side,

crossing a road, to cross it again,

flowing back and forth

like a pendulums swing.


So focused are we

on crossing this stream

that we don't see the gleam

in the glistening teeth

of the others.

They look like us, act like us,

talk like us,

but it's a facade, a smokescreen

hiding the real creature beneath.

Our eyes can't perceive the inaccuracies.

The way the light doesn't reflect naturally.

The way they move strangely animated.


But once you can see,

you notice the identical beings.


misaligned copy machine cast offs.

They never follow straight lines,

always circling

like vultures picking out a feast.

The same face passing on the street.

The same stumbled gait,

the same dragged feet,

like an instant replay,

played over and over on repeat.




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of "Poetic Outlaw" 

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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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