Tuesday 21 May 2024

Drowning in love


How long until love

starts to drown you?


Well, I feel I'm

wading in streams,

I bounded over puddles,

but I'm not yet deep enough

for it to flow too high

over feet, it's barely brushing ankles,

But I hear a surge rushing.

It's just there in the distance,

a weight in my stomach

and my heart blushing.

A feint feeling,

not yet given meaning.


And then it's up to the waist,

It becomes a part of your day,

every meal you taste

laced with layers

of its sweetness.

You paddle through,

loving the feeling, 

without getting your hair wet

but still not completely letting

it wash over you yet.

Not letting your face

take full contact.

Are you too scared to let

the waves taste your tears?

Too fearful that the water

will turn away and leer?


I feel hands holding me under.

I gasp, but realising I can breathe

I feel free again at last.

And I start to feel the motion

of water

caressing me.

A lover stroking

every inch of my soul,

It flows across the mind,

It tickles skin that you so wanted to hide.

It smiles with a joy

that could outshine the sun.

That joy is infectious and

every part of my submerged being

and the fluid, become one.

I move with liquid precision.

No longer a being caught

in one position.

I can flow freely,

no rigidity, if this is drowning

then love wins,

I’m drowning in you.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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