Sunday 12 May 2024



In that library

where stories

never stop.

A hand runs across

the paperbacks.

Dusting the tops.

Seeking a single book.

One that time forgot.


He flicks through

the alphabet system,

but seven days pass

and he is still at A.

For the man

time is endless,

but he decides to give

the computers a quick scan.

Bony fingers typing

as fast as they can.


"Got you"

He says out loud.

The automated

'Whisper please'

machines tut in response.

He rushes down the aisles,

Across the foyer,

into the elevator, up three stories,

across to the secondary elevator,

going down seven more.

"This is the floor" he whispers

under the sign

marked 'Poets and poetry'


He hunts down

the name on his card,

and finds a book.


barely touched.

Scans to the back page.

Contact details. "That's what I need"

Back up the down elevator, down the upside,

to the computer. He types.


"Hi, I'm your biggest fan

The way you portray me on your pages

makes me sway with laughter.

The name is Death by the way

and Apocalyptica is my favourite book ever"


"Erm, I haven't even finished that one yet!"


"You will" Death says, "Time is immaterial to me,

I've seen the final edits and it truly slays"




Thanks for reading

Please take a few moments 

to check out my new book "Poetic Outlaw"

available from Amazon

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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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