Tuesday 28 May 2024

Storied walls into the vastness of time


The shelves stretch off

as far as weary eyes can see.

Storied walls into the

vastness of time, the chasms of history.

Consuming every word,

like Venus fly traps,

snapping at any morsel letter

that bumbles through,

adding them to

the magnitudes of

manuscripts that blow

across the cavernous room.

Ripped, torn pages

that hold secrets

tearstain glued



The shelves stretch,

like damp walls of a well,

deep into the depths, the bowels of hell.

Dimensions, mean nothing

up is down, left is circling around,

and right is acting the clown.

There is magic in the storied leaves

of these majestic trees.

Letters move

like fridge magnets

across the winsome breeze.


The canyon of glass

that adorns the pathway

is filled with verse,

etched upon the clear surface,

The seating all made of words,

twisted into shape

 to rest wearisome feet.

Even the food

from the little cafe,

along the everlasting walkway,

is served in edible words,

strung together like spaghetti 

spilling truths down jumpers,

as you go about your day.


But not everything

is so peaceful

in this world of words.

The deceitful shadows

hide secrets,

too delicate

for even shadows to hold,

too scary

for ears to behold,

too terrifying

for eyes to unsee.

Let's hope no one

ever let's these words float free.




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