Thursday 2 May 2024

By TV Light


By TV light

we kiss,

that feint flicker

shimmers over

supple skin, as delicate

as a feather

on the wind.


Dark brown eyes

seem like

reflective screens,

like black mirrors

in the low light.

Rippling like

relaxing streams.


the moonbeams

the way

to get back



By TV light

we touch.


radiant lines.

riding the

airwaves tonight.

No drama, nor tragedy.

Just romance at play

under those flickering

wisps from the 

visual display.


TV light

hides the scars,

but I'd share my

torn ripped apart heart,

if you'd take me to the stars.

I saw a piece of heaven,

an angelic sight, peacefully lying,

in that strobing nightlight.

and I want to glide

in her wings tonight.


By TV light, I dream.

of you here by my side.

I rode my dreams,

a fantasy journey,

into the imaginary.

Floating on a sugar sweet

moment of saccharine

chemistry. In a flicker of clarity

I remember

the love letters sent

but never seen.

Left over memories

littered on the pages between,

I whispered to you my dream

and I never want 

the dream to end.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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