Friday 24 May 2024

Skeleton key


A wild creature resides,

roaming around inside

the dark passages

of the mind.

It rips apart

logical thought.

It crawls across the worn out,

torn old memories it finds.

Shredding the happy times,

whilst bringing photos

bounding to the surface

that you'd rather not see,

moments of deep decline.

Its like he has a skeleton key,

turning the locks on your sanity.


It hungers, thrives on emotion.

It strives. trying to control the taps,

commotion as the rushing feelings

start flooding the mind gaps.

A struggle to breath

in this deepening ocean.

When the dark mist descends

and day ends,

when loneliness creeps in,

like a drunk

trying not to disturb the peace,

but slamming into every surface,

smashing every glass ornament

that sits in place.

The creature welcomes it.

Making it feel at home,

like the wolf in a fairy tale,

but this beast has a forked tail.


It devours any magic inside,

dulls down lives 

so they lose their shine,

making them feel like

you are just passing time

until the final bell chimes.

It sneaks any love away

from lips about to speak,

replaces it

with stumbled words

that fall heavily at your feet.

Whispering in

beastly groans,

words that want to harm you.


It grinds away, 

as the hours fade,

down to the bones,

and it's now etching its name

like seaside rock through

every fragile brittle

porcelain-like frame.

I'm not sure who owns

the space within anymore,

I thought it was me,

but then throughout my head

that beast would roar.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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