Thursday 2 May 2024



It came from the stars...

A time, long distant to ours.

A light. Unseen,

so, did it shine as bright?

Out of orbit it crashed.

Crater marked slash

but no one saw.

No one knew,

and in all honesty,

there was nothing

they could do.


The moment of impact.

A ringing shrill metallic wail

spread waves around the earth,

a feint ripple at first,

before the echoes coursed.

but no one walked. Not on two feet.

Not human at least.

But the sound was alive

and hungry to feast.

The beast was here,

and we were not even

a glint in the universe's eye.


Born unto this grind,

we didn't know any different,

didn't feel it infiltrating the mind.

The interference

Some sensed

that something wasn't right,

but to question,

would have you pilloried

and burned at sight.

Under the weeping

gaze of moonlight.


As years marched through,

the waves grew,

every spin of the earth,

making them stronger.

Some people felt the surge, 

the hunger,

the way the sound urged

them to bring pain.

Some just danced,

until their beat dropped dead

when they flailed and flapped

as their weak human brains

popped in their heads.


The sound had its own

gravitational pull,

making the tides come

when it called.

Countless wars, deranged thoughts.

Hatred caught in this one sound loop

Through the airwaves it boundlessly swoops.

The hum.

A sound heard by all

but only understood by some.

If you hear its call, 

then there is no use.

Don't run.

It's too late... It's already won.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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