Wednesday 8 May 2024

Moss upon a stone


Love can make you weak,

cause you to weep,

tears of loss. Years gone,

but at what cost?

Leave you feeling

like moss upon a stone.

Growing stale,

fearing you've failed.

You try to atone,

for crimes, not committed,

but you can't repair time

or something you didn't break,

no matter how often its resubmitted.


Love can steal

your unique mentality.

Morphing you

into a clone,

a sheep, so desperate to hear

the way she bleats

below the eerie undertones.

You sink into obscurity.

You think in terms of sentimentality.

She wouldn't hurt me on purpose,

she is trying to make us work. Of course,

All this does is send

your thoughts off course.

But love insists

that this is what works best for you.

So, you follow the story through,

even if bits feel unreal or completely untrue.


Love bites on cold lonely nights.

when the old you comes over to stay.

It absorbs all light,

like the blackest paint

in a sealed-tight room.

It chokes with reminders

of that stale perfume.

A gas chamber

to feel the gloom.


Love leaves you floundering.

A fish in the desert heat.

Love makes it harder to trust,

as your old, unbeating, steely heart

crumbles into red dust

flakes, years of rust

shake free.

Love can make you weep,

as the words seep into your skull,

the embodiment of the anti-muse

will try to lull,

to cull your thoughts

before they come to you.

Slurping your creative juices.

Until a withered husk

is all you are reduced to.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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