Thursday 23 May 2024

The cursed book


Upon the shelves,

high, out of reach,

in the deepest darkest

shadows cast.

Hidden from eyes,

So that they

may glance idly past,

dwells a book.

The shelf, its home

for so long.

Bedevilled moans

can be heard

whenever the crowds

are gone.

The wretched groans

of the evils done.


Here in this library,

every book exists,

every nook filled with

every story that ever fell

spiralling out from slippery lips.

Every tale told; every life lived,

and in those books, evil can exist.

It tries with might to climb right out,

every single day it plots to fright,

to collude with the very shadows,

and infiltrate the night.

It wants to collide with the moon,

smash the light from the sky.

Hear the echoes and sobs

of humans as they cry.


This cursed book,

can never be opened,

never let

the words see light.

It must stay

hidden away,

kept in the grimmest

state of decay.

For if it ever regains its strength,

then all known life

will end that day.


No one must peek, nor seek

to find answers between

it's skin fold covers,

there is nothing good to find within.

Just sin drenched in hatred,

putrefying stenches of hell

and the aching spaces that dwell

even deeper beneath.

Where the great beast,

sits atop a throne,

carved from demons bones,

Where even the devil himself

would fear to roam.




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