Thursday 30 May 2024

When judgement comes


When judgement comes

on his horse of fire,

he won't listen to excuses,

he will look upon

the funeral pyres.

He won't be able to stop

the flaming tear drops

from burning the lands.


When judgement comes.

He won't sit atop his horse

saying it was okay,

sending your weapons

to annihilate innocents

day by day.

His screams will blow

like a hot wind across the sky.

He won't listen to excuses

for why anyone had to die.


When judgement rides,

there won't be anywhere to hide.

Lies won't stop his fire tide.

He will just look

at those that have died,

with an angry word branded on his lips.


With sadness burning his gaze.

He will not listen

to the words you have to say,

trying to justify

the killing of innocents.


When judgement knocks on the door

of this planet we call home

he will disown those that condone

killing children in their thousands.

There is no justification

on earth or the skies above,

judgement will be swift,

when he sees what you did,

and what you allowed to be done,

what you helped to happen,

by sending the guns.

Our world will cry

for generation

after generation

over the hurt

that can never be undone.




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