Wednesday 1 May 2024

Warping perspectives




a silhouette.

from the fiery


A figure

burned to my eye,

but no one

is stood there.


A spectre,

seeking solace

from the pouring rain?

Or perhaps someone hidden

out of view?

Perspectives warping

my tired brain.

I wish I knew.

I wish I was with you.

You would know, if it was real,

if it was true. 

Or just my eyes,

blurred from tears 

that I've cried

too many times, 

warping the truth.


A silhouette. Most definitely stood.

My mind is clear,  I swore.

 It was definitely here.

I know what I saw.

But why? I wonder out loud.

Hearing my echoed voice,

startling my trembling ears.

A shadow staining

the atmosphere.

A portent of something,

lurking near.

A warning. 

Run. Get out of here.


Or just the lies

of a my mind playing tricks

on wimpering eyes of fear.


Does it stand with ill content?

Looking upon me with vicious contempt.

Does it see a victim? Or someone

who will stand up to him?

Can it sense my fear?

Does it linger like perfume vapour

towards this atmospheric neighbour.

Or am I just losing my mind?

Left somewhere far behind,

on a bar top, 

drowning amongst the beer slops.

Back when time was called

and the endless ticking finally stopped.




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