Monday 27 May 2024



We have memories

that span lifetimes,

yet other ones

slip by the wayside.

Moments so momentous

they crash right out of

the frame.

We can't entertain them,

or even give them a name.


We certainly can't ascertain

with any certainty,

that it isn't just misfiring

exhaustion from a tired brain.

The moments

when we see beyond the veil.

When we realise

this life is only a tale,

and the world,

just a page

over which we will sail.


In these moments

we see

the other,

the extraordinary,

the supernatural.

Entities from dimensions

which live


They sit undiscovered


next to ours.

We look up

expecting beings from Mars,

beyond the stars,

not noticing the ones

that pop through

the universal scars.


In those mountainous moments,

when memory has peaked

and leapt away from you.

It's not that your

thoughts have leaked,

but that these beings

are seeping through.

Creeping into the room,

trailing you, examining you,

probing the things you do.

Learning to mimic every move,

so they can consume,

then replicate

and reproduce.


Sometimes we hear them.

Voices when we are alone,

voices that sound like loved ones

when those loved ones are not home.

Sometimes the voices

even sound like our own,

If you hear them, don't entertain,

they will latch on

like a leech feasting on a brain.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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