Sunday 19 May 2024

An ant along high street.


I walk - an ant along

high street.

The paved row

of concrete 


towering besides,

looming over me.

Thin sheets of glass


the massed

walking dead that

walk within

but I don't follow.

I don't want

to join that crowd where they go.


I left my heart

on a seat at the station,

one day in a tear-filled rainfall,

and now I hear it once again call.

I though it broken,

it had been stabbed, dropped, beaten.

Abused beyond all reason,

but I hear feint echoes,

reverberating through

the dim lit wastes of my youth,

and this rain-soaked 

hole in my chest

is not much use in truth.


I stride, through puddles

that resemble oceans.

I climb hills with every step,

I feel every muscle,

and the many ways

they have wept

but none of this will stop me.

I'm a man with a cause.


See I left my heart

on a seat at the station

When you left

it tore right out of me,

refused to leave.

So, I walked into that wintery day.

Heartless some would say,

but I knew I needed to find me,

before my heart

could ever truly beat again.

Now my heart calls 

once again to me,

and I need to listen

to it's waves lapping

on my beach.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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