Wednesday 29 May 2024

Cardboard country


Two lovers embrace in the low light

below the moons ever watchful sight.

Their story a dream, a fairytale,

told in the midst of twilight.

A gaze of longing

shared between two,

there in that third floor

window stage scene view.

Though down on the street

a nightmare is unfolding.

His bedding not keeping

the cold from getting in.


Behind the cardboard facade

the stagnant discharge

of humanity

flowing down the drain.

The cardboard city 

has sprawled

into a cardboard country.

As our government

dawdled forward.

Armed with hatred

they look on

with disdain.

These blights

on the concrete night,

a stain on all that is right.

Streets crowded with misfits,

the dregs of society.

They are such a pain,

the government spin machine

shouts again and again.


Up in ivory palaces,

they worship false power

looking out over glass fronted

glinting towers.

Money grows on steel trees,

not in beds

of cardboard luxury.

They should be happy to exist,

the smirk of evil

crosses their lizard teeth,

A lifestyle choice

freezing in agony.

Take away their tents.

Force them into unpaid work.

Make them our slaves.

A cardboard army

of cutout clones.

Throw them in jail. 

they say to everyone.

Oh, wait we can't,

that system is over run.


They chose this,

it's all drink, drugs

and deception.

Derelict deceitful 


and I'm not talking about those

in their cardboard homes,

I'm talking about

the gaslighting government

that create the problems

and then moan,

saying something

needs to be done.

Yes it does. 

We need this government gone.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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