Friday 26 January 2024

A fleeting outline


I am but a fleeting outline

dancing through the days,

waving my arms maniacally

to show the way the flowers sway.

A shattered mirror

over midnights

fragmented, flickered view.

A broken silhouette

against the silent moon.

A mirage on the vast deserts of life,

an image there

then faded from sight,

drifted from your mind

like sand blown across

those deserts at night.


I am but a wisp of air

blowing across a cloud,

barely there,

but my presence is loud.

A drop of rain

on dry deserted land,

alone, only enough

to nourish

a single speck of ground,

but together

we could flourish,

splashing the waters around

over every grain of sand.


I am the tear that forms

when you want to cry, 

to clear the dust

from the ducts of your eye,

from the sadness of time.

I am the smile that lifts

when darkness

is threatening to pull you in,

I am the smallest of gifts

that gives the greatest grin.

I am hope, 

and with you I always reside.

So, when you feel low,

seek what is growing inside.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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