Wednesday 10 January 2024



You told me

I was a diamond,

when all I felt like

was splinters of glass

entrapped under

the overgrown skin

of years of self-belief

stripped and worn thin.

You said I was a gem, a jewel,

but I'm not worthy to adorn your crown.

Not cool or anything.

Just glass coloured

in dried up marker pen.


I didn't feel worth praise,

It isn't easy to accept

when all you see is a scrawled

children's drawing, ripped and torn.

Not the work of art you once proclaimed.

Just a crayon image,

scraped onto walls

built too high.

I was feeling like

the dust that

crumbled to the floor.

The ruins that fell from the sky.


But when I'm with you my

thoughts bloom like flowers

under the summer sun.

Love runs through my veins,

and the colours blend into one.

A magical colour only normally

seen in the most vivid dreams,

and if life is but a dream,

then I want it to be spent in eternity,

looking upon that beauty.


When I'm with you.

When you sing to me,

I feel like someone.

I'm reminded of the light

I sometimes

turn on to guide,

when the pathway is dark.

I'm reminded of all the times

I've held you high,

and I think.

I'm not worthless.

I have love inside.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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