Thursday 11 January 2024

Someplace else


Can anyone hear me?

Detached voices ring out.

Ghostly word shadows

sing in staccato gunfire screams.

Echoing, distant.

Fizzling through static streams.

Images beam

onto the computer screen,

flickering faces, glitching

distorted memories

of a faraway dream.

Faces I remember,

ghostly voices

from some long distant place.


A different world.

Someplace else.

Somewhere across

vast galaxies of hell.

A conversation,

two sides

divided by

cracked brick walls of time.

My words are all out of sync.

One thousand years out of sync

to be precise.


Can anyone hear me?

My words walk

aimless miles across

the crushing

claustrophobic expanse.

Distant and vast,

but so small a place

when your own words

are your only embrace.

Clutching themselves tightly,

for warmth

in this eternal night, 

this vacuum of space.


Time takes turns twirling tormentedly

around planets and quasars,

bouncing from nebulas,

dodging lazy shooting stars.

The echoed sounds

still ring out.

Are you there?

Can you hear us?

Though they are

starting to wane.

Voices crackling with age.

As the distortion zips

across the screen again.


Can anyone hear me?

I repeat. Over and over.

My words just bleat

like sheep in a field of nowhere.

I fear.

I fear my words

will never breach

another set of ears.

For those ears

Are already becoming too old

to hear the words

I preach. I'm alone. In space.

So far away and

so completely out of reach.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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