Saturday 20 January 2024

Clowns with painted smiles


The media circus is in town.

They never stop.

Pummelling your mind

with their droning sounds,

whilst bombs drop.

Filling our ears with bile,

our eyes with lies.

Our heads they try to pollute

with thoughts so vile.

Clowns with painted smiles

only ever raise a frown from me.


"But it's the news.

They would never lie to you."

Read your history books,

go on take a look,

you will see

that you are sadly mistook,

these clowns couldn't give a fuck.

If a lie sells papers,

if it gets the money in the till

If advertisers pay the bills

then it's their truth, 

and they will spill

the blood money ink

until you think it’s all real.

So next time you read a headline,

think, is my money helping anyone

but those that created the stink.


The media circus is in town again.

The clowns will delight, the acrobats

will dazzle your eyes.

A custard pie in the face of truth

making you miss the oversights,

the brain pollution and blatant lies.

Sigh as the trapeze artist flies through the sky.

Listen to the ringmaster as he diverts your gaze,

a puppet master to take your cash in spades,

and just as you start to see the smoke and mirrors

the circus leaves. Blinks into the night.

Until their pockets feel light,

and they can start another world fight.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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