Thursday 25 January 2024

Record shop


Sounds cavort with the dusty air

The smell of vinyl and sweat linger

buried deep in this musical lair,

this dingy record store.

in a distorted memory I share.

A rainbow of sounds,

different notes in all new colours.

Distortion adds texture

lke musical paint

over my greyscale eyes.

I let the names wash over me,

images flashing,

guitar smashing clash calling.

I see a sea of records

and I want to explore.


I want to explore moments

when I was a child,

I heard the strains

of sad 80s refrains,

melancholy mind meanders

over those missing minutes.

Barely catching brief snippets.

Tunes momentarily etched

inside of me.

Then gone.

Memories of different ages beside fallen trees.


I hear echoes of woes and saddened days.

I hear the Motown tunes that would often play.

I hear my own soundtrack start to blare out.

As my teenage self,

all long hair, green no doubt.

walks beside me checking

the cd shelves.

The grunge 

and grinding

punk vibes for other times.

Visions etched into my eyes

when played out loud.

Songs that now

have their own all new stories attached.

Love, hurt, hope, loss.

All stuck to those songs

like chewing gum

on the seat of a bus.


I remember when

the music died, then

died and died again,

and has done

all too frequently.

Taken too soon.

that feeling dawning.

Good things don't survive.

So, embrace them

whilst they are alive,

and live on the songs

that take on a new life

after the moments

have been mourned

and eyes have all cried.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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