Monday 8 January 2024

Leather-bound heart


How could anyone

fall deeply

into my aching sea.

When the walls are so high,

you can't even see

the waves,

only the brick bleakness

that obscures me.

how can I believe in hope

when hope doesn't 

believe in me.


How could anyone

hope to get inside.

When I keep my drawbridge

closed tight.

Moat a thousand miles wide,

patrolled by creatures that devour.

Come wind, snow or rain shower.

Hour by hour. They never tire.

Breathing fire. To keep all from my door.


How could anyone

fall for my starry skies.

When I obscure their eyes,

making them look down to the floor

to divert their gaze

from seeing

the sparkling lights.

How can I believe in hope

when my own hope

has fled through the open door.


How could anyone

love me. If I keep myself hidden.

A beast seeking beauty

in the pages of this midnight soul.

Feeling cold,

only seen in shades of charcoal.

Only finding stains so dark.

How can anyone

find me

when I'm too scared

to embark,

too terrified

of being torn apart,

that I keep my pages

in a leather-bound heart.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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