Wednesday 10 January 2024

Out of sync


I flip forward

through the blank pages

in my mind.

Is this the place to begin?

Nearer the end. To set myself

a goal at which to aim,

but what if I miss the ball,

or skew the shot so much

it clears the floodlights 

landing outside with a thud.


Sending myself into a spin,

trying to make this jigsaw fit,

I'm sure these pieces should stick,

to make the beginning hit

the ending with

a crashing crescendo.

Oh no.

What if I lose the flow?

Going backwards

probably won't do.


I slow down my thoughts.

Maybe I should

start from the start.

Just write what occurs,

I'm writing a book of course,

only I can't seem to get the parts

to line up for a chorus. It's total chaos.

A cast of players, all dancing off

in their own worlds, unlinked storylines,

Mis-inked plot outlines,

missing personal deadlines.


Maybe I should dive into the middle

then work my way outwards,

like a ripple on a clear lake.

The little waves excitedly explore

the watery escape, this liquid estate.

I have ideas lying in wait.

Maybe this one is a mistake,

what if I start writing,

is it then too late to change?

Talking of too late,

the moon has been and gone,

the sun is totally burning my skin,

and the birds are on song.

Maybe I'll start later

when the moon returns 

from the lands beyond.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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