Wednesday 17 January 2024

When apocalypse comes


When the apocalypse

looms high.

Fire in the sky

towering over us.

I won't come out swinging.

My arms will be held down.

I won't shout in anger,

tearing the place down.


I'll be singing songs

that speak of freedom.

Unshackling restraints,

I'll be helping to release,

those chained in misery.

I'll be handing out

flowers of peace,

not ways to increase

the pain and suffering.

I'll be talking about 

the beauty

of rivers and seas.


When the apocalypse 

is nigh,

I won't sigh,

or try to gain

from others mournful cries.

I'll be there, arms held by my side.

No weapons,

just a heart full of verses.


that speak of love 

across vast universes.


I'll keep singing of peace,

not swing a fist,

nor aiming to bring pain,

I'll sing for the seas.

The beauty they give me,

I'll sing to the moon,

the stars, the sun,

I'll sing for you


I'll sing for everyone.


And to those

that keep us cowering.

Sat up high 

in their monolihs, towering.

I'll sing of redemption.

As they will be first

to feel the flames,

of their own temptation

when the skies

come crashing

in fiery rain.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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