Monday 1 January 2024

Night drive


We could drive all night

just to find the merest hint

of beautiful moonlight

when all the time

it was left behind

in the place we fled.

We don't need to outrun

the dread,

it is already deep

inside our own heads.


We could drive

all night

trying to reach

our place in time.

When our place

was always just behind,

left in the room we vacated.

To begin this journey into the unknown,

mixed up thoughts left uncoordinated.


We could drive all night

to find an escape hatch

from this internal fight.

When all along, together

we had the world in our hands,

in our minds, In our little place

we had all we ever needed to find

In our hearts. Inside


We could drive forever

searching, seeking some refuge

from the increasingly stormy weather,

when behind, there was already

a roof. 

A place our hearts could find truth

and could hold tightly

sheltering together.

We could drive all night

but I need to know,

am I really the one you want

or just a fanciful flight

away from the life

you've grown to despise.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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