Wednesday 24 January 2024

Doesn't live along this pathway.


I know love

doesn't live along

this pathway.

She doesn't have

a shack within the trees.

She doesn't sit patiently,

thinking longingly 

of me.Whilst asking questions of the breeze.

She could have done

one day somewhere,

in a different history.

In a distant time, a faraway galaxy.

If clocks turned in peculiar circles,

if gravity pulled me in for a hug,

if the moon shone a little to the left,

maybe love would have been right

and I'd not be here standing feeling bereft.


I know love doesn't

frequent my heart so often,

I see her around sometimes,

but only when

my eyes are closed

and I'm laying head down

sleeping sound.

That doesn't make it feel easier,

to see her smiling so wide,

when all I can do is hold her inside,

when all I want.

Is to lay besides,

listening to her 


fall and rise.


I wish I could be

in an alternative 


where the ride was

Clearer and

paths diverged

in unusual ways, 

but then would I be me?

and would you be you?

or just a facsimile of a smile

I once dreamt of

in an outlying galaxy.

Whilst I lay here,

somewhere far away.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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