Tuesday 9 January 2024

Emotion blur


I've got emotion blur

from my hope running

away with my fears.

From my love running

scared of hate,

that weight of anxiety

pulling down on my sense

of self-worth,

causing it to zoom past

crashing down to earth.


My vision is clouded,

shrouded in moments

of happiness.

I stand, with the sadness

shadowing me.

Days fading into the scenery,

years etched in obscurity.

No observation station

to witness the time deformity.

No place to stand and watch

as I fall into my own deepening sea.


I've got emotion blur,

the edges feathered and furred

I'm staring out at the world,

but nothing is making any sense.

I can't get the ends to converse,

I'm just alone. A universe

of one.

Watching my weathered feelings

being slowly ripped and torn,

thrown into the wind.

Landing wherever they are blown.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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