Saturday 13 January 2024

Anti-muse Awakens


Stumbling, twirling through the night,

this whirlpool of amphibious dreams,

has me caught in its loop - tight,

like a bug

on the windscreen

of the sandman’s ride.

Through sweat drizzled skin

my whimpering heart paces,

as I keep waking - screaming,

All these different scenes,

uniquely distinct themes,

but always one constant - That face.

Always the last thing I see before I wake,

tears on my face forming a tremulous stream.


And worse.

When I wake

her eyes still burn.

Deep in my mind I see them,

combing through my memory room.

My store cupboard of old stories,

where fears and hopes loom

like giant monoliths to some ancient god.

I see her wondering through the tombs,

where old loves, past friendships,

dead stories and more

are kept under lock and key.

Stored for posterity.


I haven't seen her in quite some time.

The one whose name

shouldn't ever be whispered,

for she whisks away your creativity,

makes your imagination

pull on its shoes and flee.

Talks inspiration into visiting other people's dreams. 

Leaving you asleep in a dead seabed.

A salt desert, assaulting the thoughts

that run dry through your head.

Left dying. Empty. Dead.

Just beware If you see that stare,

glaring at you through swirly dream air,

look away as quick as you can, 

don't pay attention,

she only survives on fear.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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