Wednesday 10 January 2024

R.I.P Steve Gilmore


Another tear falls

from the willow tree

A leaf blown along a breeze

To see what is next on this journey.

Memories will exist to keep us company,

So, hitch a ride on the next wisp

of cloud and float free.

will you sing, your songs

In the whispers of the wind.

To let us hear them

when the pain falls

like rain upon our skin.

Will you play gentle

guitar chord melodies

in every raindrop

that sprinkles this earth

To make it feel less full of hurt

And can we sing back for you,

when our thoughts are blue,

and our feet feel heavy,

weighed down with sadness

Will your energy give us

the surge to keep walking through.


One of the hardest poems to write, 

my uncle, Steve Gilmore sadly passed away earlier today. 

I always looked up to him, he inspired me to push myself in my writing

 and to keep trying new things.

Over the years he has supported me in so many ways, 

from putting me up for a while when I was at a really low ebb, 

to always liking and sharing my work. 

He was a brilliant musician, and author, 

and someone that will forever be missed. 

Love you uncle. 

And my heart is with the family and friends 

that are also shocked by this sad news.

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