Monday 8 January 2024

Sleep playgrounds


It seems my mind

is dreaming in rhymes.

Swimming in lyrical rivers.

Seeing metaphors

in every vision I find.

My sleep, a playground where

words play rushing around.

Laughing and jostling,

a joyous sound.

Some take turns on the slide,

slipping down.

Whilst others take the high grounds.

The fortresses built to pile inside.


I'm dreaming in

soliloquy, metaphor and simile.

I dream of word play,

twisting the words

to mean something

different to what they say.

They speak to me.

in those night-time flights.

They become one with my visions,

in tune with the frequency.

I'm dreaming in rhymes you see,

delighting in the way

each word bounces

across this field of dreams.

Mirthful happy screams,

as they spin on the roundabout.

No words of doubt

they sit at the gate,

awaiting their own dreams

to circumnavigate.


I awake

with dizzy reminders of verses,

A few lines that circle like birds

singing a chorus,

but most of the memories

are left upon that sleepy stream,

where they sow themselves

for future dreams.

But sometimes a few words stick,

a few lines

lodge deep into your head.

Gifts of poetry

to present to the world unread.


I feel I'm still here in this rhyming dream.

Though my eyes have been

open for hours it seems..

Now nothing is real,

everything has a different touch,

a different feel.

A unique magical wave

sweeps over the eyes

and says let's play.

That's when the rhymes

begin anew

and they won't stop

once they begin to flow.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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