Monday 22 January 2024

Social media feeds of greed


Why do our leaders

keep clicking like

on the social media feed of genocide?

Why do they

keep sending hearts?

To those whose

own hearts are as black

as a long burnt

out exploded star.

Even our left wing

is sending hugs towards war torn skies

instead of asking for peace

they just keep feeding the lies.


Why do our leaders

keep sending kisses

To the most vicious killers?

But when someone

is saying we are

struggling to fund dinners

for people who need,

why do those same

leaders plead

sorry, there is no money

in the coffers?

It surely can't just all be greed.

Is there some twisted gene

in the government water feed?


Why do our leaders

keep following

race baiters?

Evil dictators, bad men

masochistic mad men

with a phallic addiction,

must send more and more

of this phallus shaped ammunition,.

like dick pics for warmongers.

You show me yours

and I'll drop some mines.

This shit stinks, but we can't

expect them to use any wisdom

When we can't even

sort out our own sewage system.


Hearting every post,

like lovesick



When the one they desire

only has eyes

for the person next door.

Our government is sick,

it needs some emergency healing.

Unfortunately, they are selling off

the NHS, piecemeal.

Paying in peanuts,

and expecting a meal.

They can't afford private,

and their new found friends

won't pay up. But we will keep

funding any wars, because we are corrupt.




Thanks for reading

Please follow the link for my books, 
videos and social media.
Every click, every book purchase, 
every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love & Poetry 

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