Tuesday 16 January 2024



I see through

blood splattered eyes.

Is it any wonder that our flags

are seen with such deep despise,

when we cause so much strife.

That even in our own four-walled houses

we are fed a sense of unease.

Distrust in anyone who sees

an alternative view,

or anyone who happens

to look slightly different to you.

Our forces armed to the teeth

forcing their ways

on other walks of life.

Making enemies is second nature,

when our leaders

only look at ways to divide.

Arming genocide.


I see through

blood tinted glasses.

Underclass masses,

seeing things with clear eyes,

but being drip fed lies.

Now let's make this clear,

I love my country.

Not because of the people

that want to divide,

plunder and rape other lands,

but to spite the blood running

through their hands.

I love the diversity, the cultures,

the differences we all have.

All the stories this all breeds.

I just hate the way

we bow to greed,

feeding our desire for more

with everlasting wars,

making enemies

is second nature for sure.

Arming genocide shouldn't

be something we applaud.


I've been called

a bleeding heart,

had my voice silenced,

when all I want is to shout.

I've been told

that to make it in this world

you have to bow down.

Sell your soul.

Money is the only true goal.

Well, I say

fuck you very much,

but if I have to watch

ambulances get bombed,

hospitals destroyed,

children buried,

for your cause 

I say fuck this.

Stop the wars.

Arming genocide

is never worthy of applause.


I've been told

don't cross the line.


before you

speak your mind.

Don't let

your emotions out.

Nah fuck it...

I'll shout.

Ceasefire now.

If this is the good life

I want to get off this ride,

or at least divert

it to a better line,

one that doesn't involve

arming genocide.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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