Tuesday 16 January 2024

The wolf will roam


Hunger dripping

from the wolf's

snarled grin.

Ice in his belly.


Painfully thin.

Scraggy fur 

matted, worn bare

but he won't give in.

He has a place out there.


Fire roaring just out of view.

Hard to see.

Sparks slowly burning through,

clouded eyes cover the flames

but that fog will disintegrate,

dissipate into the wispy air,

when he finds his place

and lights his fire there.


The wolf alone for now.

Alone for so long, but never bowed,

never cowered, 

he just doesn't fit in

with these particular crowds.

For they see not 

the joy inside,

nor his playful side, 

they see quiet,

so, they push him aside.

Not part of the pack,

he is not like us they bark.

He acts like a sheep,

swims alone like a shark.


That lust for life,

is in every painful stride.

His pride sits

in knowing the journey

has been difficult, but that he

will never again hide.

It's in his loving nature,

his mournful howls.

The way he sings

to the moon on quiet nights.

Just so she knows

that she is not alone.

For wherever her light lands

The wolf will roam.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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