Wednesday 6 December 2023

A different shoreline beside a different sea


My head is so quiet.

I sit here and nothing,

the words, unformed

are not calling, it’s all so still,

like the sea before a storm.

I know soon the wash

will pull me deep into overspill,

into the deep currents. But right now

I sit. feelings, not concurrent

like they are somewhere else entirely.

A different shoreline

beside a different sea.


And then I see your eyes.

I can't lie. I can't think.

I'm there in that space entranced.

Everything else fades into the distance.

The way they speak

in so many unspoken words.

In unuttered tones. I hear the rushing moans

of the waves crashing over me.

But my thoughts are still.

On a different shoreline

beside a different sea.


As so often transpires,

I've been burning

more than candles at both ends,

but whole mental forest fires.

where my thoughts descend, like embers from high.

In-between the rushing traffic, and the

busses hassling for space.

In this station I sit encased.

I see your face, for just a second.

It emblazons into place.

But my thoughts are still.

On a different shoreline

beside a different sea.


But then I see your eyes.

It takes me a while

to breathe. The way they smile.

The stories hidden beneath

like an ocean that hides treasure

somewhere in the deep.

Everything else is weathered away,

just those stories and me.

But my thoughts are still

on a different shoreline

beside a different sea.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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