Tuesday 19 December 2023

Polly Peggs


Polly Peggs plunged into icy water.

Saw her life swim out before her,

as she sank into the depths.

Those final gasps,

frozen breaths.

She saw herself, before.

Walking on the shore.

a long time ago.

When the darkness

didn't encroach

and the cold didn't grow.


Deep in love, Polly Peggs did fall

those first blossoming

flowers started to spring,

her heart did sing

the song of a lovebird’s call.

Until one thing

led to another

and so, it was

she was due

to become a mother.


Frightened, tried to hide but

the tell-tale signs burned bright

like a candle flame

alas her truth was found out.

Illegitimate, shame.

Bringing a stain upon our name.

The blame game, every wicked name,

Used to frame the girl for being human.

Made to stand in white penance shroud.

In front of the pious angry crowd.

All day and all night to be paraded 

before all that crowded around,

Demonised, despised, derided

until she couldn't take any more.


Cold night, wintertime.

No daughter of mine.

Doors slammed shut.

Outside she fled. Alone, afraid

nowhere to run,

from the voices in her head.

Shame. Shame. Shame.

No-one to turn to. No-one to love her

the way they are supposed to.

Just those same voices again

Shame. shame. shame.

She dived into the lake instead.


Polly Peggs threw herself to icy water

for shame of an illegitimate son or daughter.

Bringing dishonour upon everyone.

What honour is a hurting daughter left to fend alone?

When all she needed was a comforting arm,

Some love and hope, a welcoming home.

Instead, they basically handed her the rope.

Such a shame they shamed themselves

by blaming the poor innocent girl.

Now when the moon sits full,

and dawn is birthing a new day

They say she can be seen crossing fields,

and disappearing into the depths.

You may even hear her tears wept.

Show your love to Polly Peggs, 

if she walks by in dawns light.

Her one crime falling in love

during the wrong times. a crime that took her life.



Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 



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