Saturday 2 December 2023



Bitter tears sit upon dead eyes.

Christmas lights refracted through

droplet of ice, crystallised,

but no one sees. They just trudge by.

Coldest night, frozen sight.

Shattered crystals of a soul

taken to the light.


Spare some change.

We should change the world instead.

Tune out those echoing voices,

that hateful chanting chorus

rumbling through your head.

Telling us to walk past.

Don't look them in the eye.

They are there by choice,

these voices will lie.


On the cold hard streets,

a deep-freeze,

refrigerated people carrier,

tossing away the frozen cadavers.

In times of yore

they would have said

bring out your dead,

as they flung them

on the back of a carriage,

to bury with the rest of those

they can't fit in cold storage.


Have a heart,

as you sit in front

of your fire berth.

Warming hands

against the coldest nights

on earth.

Give them a voice,

those who don't have

what you have - a lifestyle choice.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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