Saturday 23 December 2023

The day before, the night before


It's the day before,

the night before


and around the world

something is stirring,

trying to wind up

a sense hurt and tension 

and foreboding.

Trying to inspire hatred, too much to mention.

The world is aching,

she screams in rage,

at the pounding missiles

hitting her ribcage.

The death being borne

upon her skin.

Her surface is torn,

cloud tears drip

down their fluffy faces.

Dropping heavy, wearing down

her shell, now worn thin.


It's the night before,

the night before, Christmas

and huddled masses

stand at the door.

Nowhere to go,

no one will listen.

There is no hope glistening,

just angry flames raining

and bloodstained metal shrapnel

falling to the floor.

I see ghosts, 

holding hands

with loved ones.

I see lost children,

with nowhere to run.

I see smiles fade,

and the blood red sun.

I see another night of bloodshed,

and another morning

with even more gone.


It's the night before 

the night before

and there isn't going to be

a silent night for sure.

Not when all around

are the sounds of war.

The wails of babies,

the tales of fire,

told around the campsite. set alight.

So, let's not forget the plights

of those whose lives

are being lived

in permanent fight or flight.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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