Wednesday 20 December 2023



I've never really

fit in.

An outsider

to every party within.

I was never popular,

my features

didn't fit your settings,

easy to forget.

A starving creature,

just there to tease

then send off begging,

with no food

on my plate

nor a bed to lay in.


The way I talked or didn't,

made me seem distant,

aloof, in truth I was scared.

I couldn't get my voice to raise

beyond a squeak.

You just took the micky when

it leaked out in mousy speech.

Making me a prime target to tease

and my mind was different. Difficult.

Full of holes like Swiss cheese,

so, you would set me traps

to see the way my cheeks

would turn

fire extinguisher red,

as if to blend in

with the very thing

I would use to extinguish the fires

that burned in my head.


You picked and kicked,

spat and hit,

you made me feel small,

a speck of dirt. Nothing much at all.

From the earth I'd crawled.

You pushed me against walls,

on the floor, to the ground.

Pounding fists knocking me down.

Just because

I wasn't like you.

Because I was singing

a different tune.

I was playing the backbeat

whilst you were the front man

acting a buffoon.


Now I walk

on these wobbly feet,

the painful soles, the cramping heat

ripping tears from my eyes.

But, I don't let the eyes of others

make me feel small,

I won't let the world grab me

and pull me into the dirt.

I won't wear a glass shard crown,

just for wanting to be myself.

I choose my path,

and I chose the one

with less hurt.

The one

I'm already walking down.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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