Sunday 31 December 2023

Turn the hourglass


When those final grains of sand

fall through the hourglass of the year.

Raise the glass, turn it around,

dance and cheer.

For this is the beginning

not the straggly end with threads left frayed.

This new, fresh start,

not stale and decayed.


Let the winds blow away

cobwebs of yesterday.

Clear thoughts

for a New Year’s Day.

Let us walk

with a swagger and a sway.

Taking strides,

not tentative steps

into tomorrow.

Let us play.


Don't look back

in fear or regret.

Look forward instead

to what lays ahead.

A future where you

get to see another sunrise

over a new, fresh beautiful day,

another rainfall,

which clears away the dirt,

another moonlit night

holding you tight

against the hurt.

Another smile.

When it feels like gravity

has pulled the last one

down to the earth.


When that clock strikes,

and voices raise a cheer.

As your thoughts

soar through the air,

exploding in colour,

a firework of hope

for the new year.

Don't jump in fear,

don't bask in fright.

Embrace the night.

For it is the beginning

of the next chapter

in this grand

exciting adventure

we call life.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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