Wednesday 27 December 2023

Apocalyptica : The endless march of time


Death awakens. Face

chocolate smeared

from ear to ear.

Remains of leftover

christmas plates

sit on the floor.

Dog lay beside.

Too overstuffed

to move a paw.

Too full to take

another morsel

from the banquette.

Too weak to walk to the door.


"What the...

I don't sleep, 

what the hell was that!

Last thing I remember was leftovers.

Mountains of cheese, chocolate treats,

and some TV I'd seen 40 years ago.

What happened?"



The groggy voice of war mumbled 

incoherently through the body of daisy the cat,

who had decided that

this was the perfect place to take a nap,

and no one was going to move her.


Famine sang out in sing-song voice,

"It's so wonderful isn't it! We can eat so much

that we end up feeling worse.

I need to get this placed in an advertising campaign

Get the media to report on it. 

My job will be so much easier, 

this calls for champaign"


"What day is this?"


"No idea,

we are about 6 years

or 5 hours into the merryneum."


"The what? Isn’t that a body part?"


"The merryneum is the Christmas

time twilight zone,

it begins after doctor who

has been and gone.

Once you enter this mythical place

time ceases to properly exist

until New Year’s Eve,

food seemingly multiplies,

Have you seen the pile of mince pies?

Tall as the mountains touching the sky"


"When is bin day?"


"Another mystery for another day"


A voice calls out from the kitchen,

"Anyone fancy some turkey sanwhiches and bits?

still enough to feed an army in here"


In unison the remaing hosepeople shout, 

"Yeah go on then,

and pour some drinks.

We could be here a while



Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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