Thursday 14 December 2023

Across the milky way


Meet me where we stay

in that place

somewhere across the milky way,

where the sunlight is a distant memory,

just a speck in a different sky,

a star across space so wide.

Come and sit with me on the nebula clouds,

watch as the planets

gather around.

Let us sit and watch them play,

swaying through the starry galaxy.


Meet me on the planet

with a month of moons

and crystal views,

all swirling

in harmony through

a space ballet,

in the place with duelling suns.

Sit with me

beside the rivers of ice,

watching the universe

as it gifts us life.


As I hold out my hand,

take it and fly with me

to distant sands.

Where soaring ships

fill the air like calling birds,

and land amidst the sweet tasting air

like delicate lips coated in

strawberry scented snow fall.

Where the glow of the moons

cast rainbows over your head.


Come with me, as we

serenade the stars.

To make their light

shine our path from afar.

I would pull the roads

towards me if it meant we

were closer, I'd bend time and space

until they are dancing together.

I'd hope for

a life where

the galaxy is our playground

and the planets circle around.


Come with me to this place.

Visit this space, listen to the tunes

as they make hearts swoon.

Visit with me, embrace the loving kisses,

this land beside galactic seas

and heartfelt wishes,

and let us take a stroll along

the beach where forever plays

its orchestral song and the sunlight never strays.



Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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