Sunday 3 December 2023

Where no light emits


In between

the echoing thumps

of my heart,

there is a yearning.

It sits quietly, this being murmuring gloomily.

Not an earthling, nor gremlin,

just a being of light is he.

He just wants to be free,

but encased in this prison,

a prism of gleaming light,

the bars mere millimetres apart

like hairs upon the beating heart

but he can't prise them

or break them nor escape,

so, he sits

until his light

dulls down

to shadowy fragments.

Where no light emits.


In this cell, the thrum

of that beating heart drum,

deafening already

numbed ears into oblivion.

Not a goblin, nor alien is he,

but a being of love.

Only the love has been sucked clean.

Now just an empty container,

no supply of hope, no light generator.

no hope of obtaining a refill.

Just the feint scent of a fresh kill.

As his own heart lays bleeding,

no longer beating.



Beneath the thud

of that hearts prison cell door

being slamed, locked for good.

You can make out the whimpered cries,

not an animal, nor a spectre trying to surprise,

not a weary spectator with droopy bag-lined eyes,

just a being of love.

He cannot wait here, he thinks,

sitting listening to the crumbling heart

as it crashes and clinks.

He can't become a hater.

He needs to feel the rush,

that surge of blood

ushering in a new age.

So, he locks up his rage,

and departs his prison cell cage.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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