Saturday 23 December 2023

Unrequited sighs.


My thoughts will live

in the souls of lovers,

in their bones. their hearts

and their longing moans.

My tears will live in the

eyes of those 


unrequited sighs

are heard

only by ears

of the night.


My soul will walk you through

the graveyard of broken hearts.

Where dead love

is littered like leaves,

and aching screams can be heard

grating against the breeze.

Where unrequited sighs

go to die.

Their bodies kept out of sight,

a shroud worn

as they are buried lovelorn

under the dirt.

a funeral of loves

that were never born.


Like the reaper

of unfulfilled love lives,

I walk a steady stride,

because I've been there

too many times to hide.

In that dead ground,

in that place

where hurt sings so loud,

and I've tasted

the tears falling

from my own eyes.

The tears cried

for love's unrequited sighs.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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