Wednesday 13 December 2023

For just a second


For just a second

your eyes delved deep,

they caught mine,

and reached inside.

Twisted my heart

through my optic nerve.

I was held in place.

tether tied to my seat.

A lead weight in my chest

where my heart should be.

Lungs forgetting how to breathe.

I couldn't die,

I'd never know how to leave.


For just the time

it takes for a butterfly wing to beat,

less time than it takes

for a clock hand to creak

forward one tick. Our eyes locked,

like how I image our dreams to connect,

no way to pick the lock,

no key to untick the tock.

I felt sick. My eyes had betrayed my thoughts.

Aired them for all to see.


Stuck still to my sticky seat

like glue had been poured over it.

I felt a click.

An instant of recognition,

you noticed my position

I swear you saw my sweat glisten,

all I could do is listen

to my hearts pounding rhythm

as it tried to escape its ribcage prison.

With painful precision, you glanced.

Enough to entrance.

I felt my blood rush my face,

an army trying to flood me.

I sat still, quietly in place.


Waving away wisps of fear

I floated through the atmosphere,

catching hold of my stray thoughts

as they bounded

through clouds of long held doubt.

Too loud, I thought. Too loud

like they were screaming

from agonised lungs, wanting to be be caught.

I let the winds take me

on the wings of a song,

or the air of a memory

into a land of make belief,

where dreams sometimes

come true,

and hope lives on.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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