Saturday 2 December 2023

A little rest


Sleep has left me forlorn it seems, I dare to dream,

but alas the moon is mocking me.

My sheep have all emigrated,

I'm left with a vast field

where all my thoughts

have congregated.

I try to navigate the bustling throng,

but they are dragging me down.

Crowding me. Stamping over me,

pushing me along.

Singing loud songs.


My body is sore, aching to fall,

bit by bit it starts to close off.

Bits are dozing

while my brain just sits and scoffs.


It’s for the weak and feeble

it protests.

Well, I'm weak and feeble,

now let me fucking rest.


I've crawled through rabbit holes in my head,

dug up corpses, spoken to the dead.

Carcasses reanimated and given a home.

Across time and space, I've roamed

trying to find where I dropped my sleep,

but it seems I've lost the thread.

I want to weep. it eludes me still.

I've got chills, window open,

closed, covers on/off

Nothing I do seems

to make the shades drop.

Rested? Not in the slightest

It's like a motorway.

Congested, with too many thoughts blinding.

Blue lights flashing, 

but my mind sits resisting arrest.


I hear the songbirds sing.

sleep is not coming.

Suddenly everything

Starts to






swirls around.

A burst of colour.

The party is in full swing.

I just want to rest is that such a bad thing.

My alarm starts to ring.

The hammer blow sends it

to its clockwork grave.


*Disclaimer no clocks were harmed

during the events portrayed*




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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