Friday 1 December 2023

A message to the stars


I send word to the stars,

listen to our hearts.

I speak a word, just one word,

one that can mean so much.

It can light a fire,

make grown men blush

red with desire.

Cause fear to erupt,

in fear of it being missed.

It can make you feel

you have been kissed

by the lips of heaven,

it can turn your volume

up to eleven and continue turning 

I send that word, burning

right into the sky,

like a firework I let it fly.

Soaring and gliding through the clouds.

To let it shout so very loud.


I send a word. 

Just a lone syllable.

It could end war, end hate,

make days and nights feel great.

It's almost biblical,

but this word isn't fictional.

It lives within us all.

In some it is more deeply hidden

but if we seek it out, 

find that true joy is in giving.

Share it loud,

it will keep our world

spinning around.


I send a word

to the stars.

To orchestrate themselves

across the sky,

to pinprick the night

with hearts that shine.

I send the word to bring hope,

to regrow the beauty

in this world we share.

I send this word to show I care.

I send a word to overthrow

the damage that men do.

To the stars above

I send one word to you.






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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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