Monday 11 December 2023

Words rain


If words rained on an empty room

would there be any sound at all?

Would it take the pitter patter

sound as it makes land fall?

Would the echoes reverberate

around the room,

bouncing from the very walls

or would silence sit?

On his face no emotion scrawled.


If words fell in an empty forest,

would the trees even care?

Would they be aware

of the liquid presence

of language floating there?

Or would they stare instead

at the great star in the sky.

Just asking why? As they beg for rain

to fall instead of the words

that fizzle, trying to catch their eyes.



without ears,

without eyes,

without audience sighs,

are just faded memories.

Ghosts of time, stories told

to the empty sky.

They may make sense

of your mind,

but until aired

they are not truly alive.


So let my words echo

through your bones.

Let them fracture hearts of stone,

let them thaw icy cores,

and let them make tears leap

from eyes towards wet floors.

Let them become a part of you,

a part of us all

and I'll sit and listen to yours,

letting them become a part of me too.

Learning to feel our shared histories, 

members of this human family

we all belong to. 



Thanks for reading

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every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love & Poetry 


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