Friday 15 December 2023



I go through days

acting like I'm not just clinging

on to the skin

of the earth as it spins,

like it isn't going to slip from my grasp

and I won't be left gasping for breath

in the vast empty expanse.

As if my fingernails aren't clutching,

at the last scraps of ground trying

to get some purchase

as it dances, tumbling around.

Acting like I'm not just waiting

for the walls to collapse,

the earth to prolapse

and leave me

falling deep into the cracks.

I go through days acting.


I play pretend

that I have any idea

of what things mean,

or even what was said,

I go over it all again

as I'm lying awake in bed.

Trying to connect

the worn-down threads

like I actually know what I'm doing

and I'm not just a leaf blowing

on the heavy winds

that swirl through

my mostly empty head.


I stumble my lines,

I fumble my script.

I trip over invisible props,

and miss more cues

than I could ever hope to hit.

I wear my heart on the page,

but my face doesn't change.

You barely see the strain,

when I'm torturing myself

again, and again. I just keep it within,

hidden behind a veil of skin.


I go through days acting

as if I have a clue,

like I know what to do,

how to do it, and more importantly

like I've got the tools.

When in truth, I am winging it,

like a bird singing its songs,

I just amble along

as the weight crushes

down on me, the gravity pulling

like a tide on a sea.

I just keep acting like I have a clue,

when the reality is

I'm still just learning how to be me.




Thanks for reading

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Every click, every book purchase, 
every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love & Poetry 


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